Are you doing squats so you can have a nice bum? Well yeah that is the most common answer when it comes to reasons why you should squat but I wouldn’t be the best reason.
Almost every leg movement that engages the glutes will help shape your bum. However squats are a part of the top 3 exercises (along with the Bench Press and Deadlifts) to help shape that behind. Let me drop some knowledge on why you really need to be squatting!
1. Increasing Your Muscle Size and Strength
Whether you’re a man or woman getting stronger is always a good idea. For one thing you can lift your own boxes and luggage when necessary. It also helps you lift your kids easily. It’s also a great confidence booster and having stronger muscles reduces your chances of injury.
2. Abs and Core Strength
If you follow me on Instagram or have ever had a conversation with me you’ll know I don’t enjoy doing any sort of ab exercise. I do however still manage to maintain a decent set of abs. Why ? Well it’s squats! Squats are thought to be solely a leg exercise but they are one of the best exercises for a strong core. This is because we must engage the stomach muscles and lower back, when performing them.
3. Burn Fat From Squats
Like doing ab exercises I also hate cardio, cardio is seen as the number one way to burn fat. It has its place but squats can also do a lot in that regard. When you squat you are engaging most of your body in the movement. A lot of muscles are working in that moment to ensure when you go down you come back up. Squats help with the release of hormones that help you develop lean body mass all over your body. A body that has a greater proportion of lean muscle tends to burn more calories all day long, which helps to make weight loss easier.
4. Variety
There are many ways to do squats: you can squat with or without weights, narrow or wide, jumping or static. There are numerous ways to squat so its not an exercise that can get boring. Also you can squat anywhere, at home, in the gym, during a run. Basically anywhere and everywhere, there is no special equipment needed to good a squat. There are also a number of body-weight variations that can get even the most experienced gym member crying. If you need any weight but don’t have access to any iron pick up your kids and get them involved.
5. Balance and Posture
Proper form is essential when doing squats. Once you get the hang of it, the balance and increased core strength you have gained from squatting will translate to better upright posture and balance in your daily life. You’ll be walking like a model in no time.
6. Improved Athletic Performance
I don’t think you’ll meet any athlete who doesn’t doesn’t have squats in there training regimen. Like I said earlier Squats are on the top 3 exercises, it’s an essential functional movement that is very effective at improving power output. Increased power output will help in many sports. Squats also improve mobility. Good mobility in the knees, hips and ankles are necessary for quick turns and high jumps for any sports man/woman. Especially any young athletes who have started their careers in primary school.
7. Injury Prevention
This is surprising to some people because squats have a bit of a reputation as a dangerous exercise especially for your knees. If not performed properly then yes they’re dangerous but if done right they do a lot to ensure you wont get hurt. Here is a video on how to squat correctly. The coordination and balance needed to correctly perform squats will engage joint stabilizers in the knees and hips to reinforce the larger muscle groups. With strong stabilizers and strong core you won’t blow your back by picking up your child off the floor.
These are some of the reasons why everyone should be squatting. Take it from me, I have been training for over 10 years now and it was when I started doing my squats regularly I saw a tremendous improvement in my physique. I used to avoid leg days, it was dark time in my life. I hated squats in the beginning but now it’s at the top of my favourite exercises. No matter how tiring they make me feel I also remember how well they work.
I hope this post gave you all the motivation to get home or the gym and bang out some squats. Get your kids or partner involved too. It’s great way to get fit with your family. You can play a game to see how who can do the most squats in a minute and track the “fittest in the family”
You wont regret it, for any more info or other articles follow me on Instagram or go to my blog.