A complaint I often get from clients is that they fear their kids aren’t active enough. Let’s face it we live in the age of social media and technology. Kids these days are entertained by various apps, television or the current game console. Playing outside, family fitness and running around may not be the most exciting thing to do anymore.
However another reason kids aren’t so physically active is because they don’t see their own parents doing anything physical. A lot of parents are runners and do go to the gym, but their kids don’t see this part of mom and dad’s lives.
I know when I train at home and my niece is around she’ll jump at the chance to train with her uncle. I have a pull up bar in my room and whenever she sees it up she begs to do some pull ups (it’s so adorable). To cut a long story short, if you want your kids to become more active it’s best you become more active with them. Lead by example and they’ll follow. To help you on this journey to family fitness I listed some some tips and tricks that will get your whole family up and about.
1) Quick Early Morning
Here is simple routine you can do with the kids to wake them up.
(Repeat this circuit 2-3 times with a 20 second break between each exercise )
• 10 Squats (Check out my blog post on why you and your whole family should be doing squats.)
• 12 Lunges
• 10 Push Ups
• 30 seconds Plank
It’s very simple but it’s great because it teaches kids the fundamental exercises of physical training. Plus it will get your blood pumping before you and the kids go to work and school.

View from Kgale Hill
2)Family Walks Or Hikes
Casual strolls around the neighbourhood gives you the time to spend with your child and really chat. There are so many benefits to walking and to being outside, and the whole family can participate. If you get bored of the neighbourhood you can go up Kgale on the weekend and treat the kids to breakfast afterwards.
3) Family Fitness Competitions
Start monthly or weekly fitness competitions. For example: whoever is first to complete 200 push ups in total in the time span of a month wins a day out to do whatever they want. Keep a score card and let the games begin.
4) Dance Party
Some afternoons when all is done with school and it is too rainy or too hot to go outside, declare a dance party. Put on some oldies music and start dancing all over the house. Just be warned your kids might not think your dance moves are very impressive.
5) Play Sports
This is a simple one, get a basketball, soccer ball or tennis ball and play with your child. Even if you don’t know how to play it would be a great way to bond if you both learned how to play a new sport together.
6) Try Healthy Recipes
Now we journey to the food side. A lot of kids hate eating anything remotely healthy. Who can blame them when sweets and crisps can be so delicious but as a family you need to try and change that.
Expand their taste buds and decide on recipes that are appealing and healthy. The very fact that it’s homemade rather than mass produced means it’s more likely to be healthy.
Also try healthier lunchbox ideas. Here are a few to try. Another thing to do is to stock up on sweet fruits like oranges and naartjies and keep the sweets for special occasions.
7) Get Some Workout Equipment
I’m not saying start a home gym. I mean get a some simple home workout equipment like skipping ropes, bosu balls and light dumbbells. Put up an exercise chart in your kids room or on the fridge and the curiosity might get them to start working out. This is something I found my 8 year old niece doing by herself one afternoon. I was babysitting and while I took my nap my niece decided to take my bosu ball and play with it. She found the instructional manual and just started doing what she saw in it. So a few items around the house might spark up some interest in physical fitness in your children. Be sure to show them how its done though.
Well guys those a few things you can do to get fit with your kids. Physical fitness is very important. Unhealthy lifestyles and habits are becoming more and more common in our society. Help your kids out and get them fit young. It will do both you and them a world of good.
Stay fit and stay focused.